Credits goes to:
Your PLEASANT Experience with Them

Put a website form like this on your site.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The team SPEAKS!

Howdy y'all! :) We, the team of Book of Fame are writing this due to this one reason that need clarifications.

We have been receiving tonnes of mails from readers regarding our inactivity. Dear readers, neither are we MIA-ing nor are we abandoning this 'book'. It is just that unfortunately, there aren't much supports given by the shopaholics out there. We are now urging you all out there to share your experiences with us because those who have been e-mailing us are actually newbies and they really need guides from the avid shoppers. C'mon, besides it doesn't hurt to actually compliment them owners right?

To further urge y'all to write in, we actually created a Facebook page, hoping that each and everyone of you can spread the word about this 'book'! :D With that, those who have already join the page, do invite your friends in as well and don't forget to contribute. ;)

Hope that answers your question, dear readers who sent us mails. As for the rest, do not hesitate to write in! :D

Have a great day ahead, y'all!

Friday, April 23, 2010

One of the best

Credit goes to: DIE HEART FASHION

Recently purchased a flower dress from DHF, have to say the quality is very good :) and the seller is very nice & friendly too :)

Thanks DHF!